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The Assault On Mt. Baden-Powell

First morning in the new tent and...DRY! Makes such a difference for starting the day. The sunrise was absolutely beautiful and as I was answering nature's call I saw a majestic deer bound straight up the mountain next to me. Massive dump and massive dear. Wow, nature is beautiful.

Thus began the approach & assault of Mt. Baden-Powell.

The gradual incline that we started that day before continued on, as we passed abandoned ski lifts, boy scout camps, & other hikers we knew all with the looming beast in view.

Once again we misjudged the water situation (carried too much and walked past caches heavily loaded) & ended up chugging down one of our gallon jugs in the parking lot at the base of the mountain.

The ascent was brutal, climbing about 3,000 ft. in 3 miles, switching back & forth the entire time, passing other hikers who were seated or laying down for breaks. We straight assaulted that thing though, reaching the peak in under 2 hours! This was even more impressive considering it was later in the day, we were carrying 9 liters of water between us, and overloaded on the food still.

The top was absolutely spectacular. Just before getting there we passed the 1,500 year old Wally Waldron tree, a marvel in itself. Its roots twisted into the mountain like so many strong octopus arms and its bark was worn by the countless human lives that had come and gone under its watch.

The view from the summit proper was staggering, arguably the best yet. On one side desert stretched on as far as the eye can see. As you turn, the view changes dramatically, dropping hundreds of feet into the rocky mountain canyons below. Continue your turn & you will find the ridge line continuing, and know that's where the journey lies for now as well.

(Also so many lady bugs!)

Not every day is just filled with beautiful trail the entire time, on the contrary some lengths are pretty gnarly. But today was one of those days that was all about the trail. The scenery, the challenge, the reward at the peak. Who can ask for anything more?

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