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Friends Like These

Today was one of those roller coaster days that is becoming all too common out here.

We camped without the rain fly and woke up dry. Yay! But by the time we started walking the sun was already way too hot. Boo! We're gonna meet up with Tim & Jill. Yay! But it looks like they might be lost. Boo!

The trail itself was off to a weird start today. The hot, winding contours gave way to strange road-walking by industrial plants. We were getting along in the heat when we suddenly turned a shady bend and came upon a cooler bearing the message that it contained treats for PCT hikers. After briefly looking around for any kind of trap we dug in like it had been days since we'd seen any sign of food. I almost wish somebody had caught us on video just so we could see how crazed we looked, especially my dad. He had been getting down on himself about weight loss earlier in the morning, so he attacked it with unparalleled motivation. Hard-boiled eggs, carrots, crackers, Uncrustables, chocolate milk. Nothing could withstand his savagery.

With our bellies full and our spirits soaring from this unexpected treasure, we pushed on and up around Silverwood Lake. We marveled at the people enjoying the water, a huge snake on the side of the trail, and music blasting from one of the power boats that put quite the pep in our step. What a beautiful day.

And if it's possible it would only get better from here.

Tim & Jill figured out there parking situation and before we knew it they were charging up the trail toward us, and we were all ecstatic and smiles & hugs.

We picked a camp spot way earlier than usual (but had crushed 18 miles already so it was all good). As we got settled we told them all of our tales so far, and they got us up to speed on everything off the trail. Then they broke out the food and it was game freaking over.

Dark chocolate, peanut butter, flax seed, and oat energy balls would have been good enough. But no, out comes the stove for 3 cheeseburgers each with tomatoes, lettuce, onion, cheese, topped off with the In-n-Out spread. For us on the trail it was all mouth-wateringly orgasmic food porn. Nobody on the trail eats like this and nobody on the trail has friends like these.

The rest of the evening was spent laughing and star gazing (at constellations that make no sense), basking in the simple wonder of being outdoors in good company.

We went to bed that night happy, full, and thankful.

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