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Who We Are

Well hello there! We're very thankful that you decided to spend some time today exploring our site and (hopefully) learning more about everything that goes into a successful PCT thru-hike. For those of you who don't know yet, the Pacific Crest Trail (or PCT) runs from the border of Mexico to the border of Canada, passing through California, Oregon, and Washington and covering roughly 2,650 ruggedly beautiful miles.


Our purpose in creating this site was twofold; first, we wanted a place for close friends and family to be able to follow along on our epic journey, and secondly, by consolidating the TONS of info that is out there, hopefully we hoped to be better prepared to tackle this endeavor ourselves.


Now the site exists as an exhaustive resource for others who hope to hike the PCT, whether that be an overnighter, a section hike, or a full blown thru-hike (Spoiler Alert: We highly recommend the thru-hike :D).


We hope you enjoy your time here and hike away with a great deal of valuable information. If you have any questions or recommendations of your own, please feel free to reach out!

Dodge McIntosh

At the time of tackling this beast, I will be 24 years old, and by no means an expert on long distance backpacking.


In fact, when I was much younger I used to drag my feet every time my mom and dad would get us up off the couch and out onto the trail. However, their persistence has inspired a true passion for me, and given me the gift of outdoor exploration for the rest of my life.


My dad had tossed around the idea of hiking the PCT together for several years now, but it didn't really develop into a reality until he retired this past November. Since graduating from UCLA in 2013, I have mostly worked for myself after starting a small business with a friend of mine, so I still (for now) have the flexibility to take the necessary time off and go for it.


I'm still asked by friends from time to time why I'm attempting such a seemingly crazy undertaking, but for me the answer is simple. 


Life is too short. And the time we get with our loved ones is shorter still. So if I get the chance to go on one of the most unimaginably beautiful and challenging adventures with someone who has given me so much, you bet your ass I'm going to take it.

Doug McIntosh

I'm a paragraph. Just kidding, I'm Dodge's dad. But I have been too busy to write a little something about myself so you'll just have to wait patiently to learn more about me.

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"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."

- John A. Shedd

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